Three-Legged Cat Finally Returns Home Where He Met the Kindness Of A Family

Now that one of the most difficult years of recent times is behind us, we all truly hope that humanity has reached the bottom to recover essential values. And among these, of course, is love and compassion for the most vulnerable animals.
admirable woman who lives in Muscat, the capital of Oman, gives a lot to talk
about with her mission to welcome every little street that fits into her home,
to change her destiny.
al-Balushi is a 51 year old retiree, living with 480 cats and 12 dogs.
It all
started in 2008, when her son brought home a small Persian cat as a pet, which
Maryam didn't like at all. The young man began to neglect the animal, and she
eventually took over. And against their initial will, they became the best and
inseparable friends.
many mothers, I refused to take care of her because I didn't like animals and
my son didn't pay much attention to her or take care of her hygiene. Soon I was
totally immersed. I took care of her, fed her, bathed her and spent a lot of
time with her," said Maryam.
He could
not have imagined that 3 years later, he would be going through the deepest
depression. And it was only thanks to her cat that she was able to get out of
the hole she was in. It was then that he promised to devote his entire life to
collecting stray cats and bringing them home.
the woman with the best of intentions started to welcome dozens of kittens
without her realizing that they would mate immediately. He did not reveal why
he didn't go to spaying first, but the truth is that at this moment he has
taken half a thousand animals and will continue to do so.
spends more than 6,000 euros a month on health and food for the street people
she takes in.
On why she
decided to do this for the animals, Maryam comments:
has given man the spirit, with which he can think, and the tongue, so that if
he is sick, he can be cured, and if he is hungry, he can ask for food. But the
animal is silent and cannot speak. Even if it is in mortal danger.
is no party that takes care of the poor animals who have no voice, nor offers
them help, nor any law that protects them, especially in the Gulf
countries," he adds.
But this
great woman didn't have it easy. In the beginning, she had to face great
opposition from neighbors who denounced her.
When she
worked, she also had to arrange for them to be fed and cared for during the
day, and she paid all the expenses. Now that she is retired, she devotes her
entire day to them and with the help of donations through her Instagram
@maryamblushi, she is known throughout the country for her selfless work.
She has
also been able to obtain a much larger house to provide them with the decent
conditions they deserve. The cleanliness that is breathed in your house and the
care given to the cuddly toys are really worth admiring.
In this
video, you can learn more about its great legacy:
Although he
has been criticized for not sterilizing them sooner and for spending so much
money on "simple street animals when the children are starving"...
His message to the world is strong:
must treat animals with compassion. Some people don't want them in their homes,
they don't want them in their gardens, they don't want them near their cars and
they don't want them near the litter box, so where should they go? How are they
going to eat? I ask these people: was the earth created just for us, or did
God's creatures share the earth and its benefits with us? That is why I say:
have mercy, have mercy, and when you do this, you will have done it because it
is a moral and human duty that we have to offer to all those who live on this
Do not leave
without sharing this wonderful love story for animals that the world needs to
hear and imitate, now more than ever.
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