Three-Legged Cat Finally Returns Home Where He Met the Kindness Of A Family

 Although we are more accustomed to cats as pets, the reality is that many live exposed to the noise and assaults of street life. But there are also many good-hearted people who watch over them and rescue them, which they always enjoy.   One such case is that of Bubby, a beautiful red kitten who was found by a man while wandering lost and alone in the city. The encounter between this kitten and his rescuer took place eight years ago in Canada. Since then, they have come back inseparable.   The parasite was missing one of its legs and part of its tail . And so, just as he was, he stole the heart, affection and fondness of his human father. From day one, the cat entered his new home through the kitchen and made it his own. But he also made a new best friend named Seson, another pet.   Season, his best friend   Although he was not very happy about being a house cat and his handicap, this wonderful three-legged feline went to his colleague's door every day to look for h

STAY FIT: The Top 20 Fat-Burning Foods

1/20 - THE APPLE, FAT TRAP. It is rich in pectin, a soluble fibre that traps some of the lipids in the stomach. Fats are therefore not assimilated by the body but directly eliminated. Best eaten as a snack or after a meal.

2/20 - DAIRY PRODUCTS. They are rich in proteins, which require a lot of energy from the body to be assimilated, and also act on satiety. TO EAT At breakfast, so as not to crack at 11 o'clock, or in the afternoon in case of a snack.

3/20 - LEAN MEATS, FISH AND EGGS, TO EXPEND ENERGY. Their proteins are complex compounds that require a lot of energy to be assimilated. TO BE CONSUMPTIONED at each meal. Essential, proteins promote food thermogenesis (energy expenditure related to digestion).

4/20 - LENTILS, A SOURCE OF PLANT PROTEINS. To be consumed at least once a week as they are rich in fibre and have a very low glycemic index (25 to 30).

5/20 - RED BELL PEPPER, THE ANTI-AGING PARTNER. It is known for its richness in vitamin C, but above all the flesh of the red pepper is 90% water, which makes it a slimming food par excellence.

6/20 - THE AVOCADO, RICH IN OMEGA-3. Its flesh is essentially composed of unsaturated fatty acids, mainly oleic acid (that of olive oil) which maintains an optimal level of "good" cholesterol.

7/20 - ASPARAGUS, FOR ITS PREBIOTICS. It is known to be a diuretic, but asparagus also provides inulin, an excellent prebiotic that will nourish the bacteria of the intestinal flora, for a flat stomach effect.

8/20 - OAT BRAN, PRO OF SATIETY. It contains fibres that will trap some of the lipids. Oat bran promotes satiety by maintaining a stable insulin level, thus avoiding cravings and the fat storage that goes with it. To be eaten for breakfast or as a snack with cottage cheese.

9/20 - RED FRUITS, RICH IN ANTIOXIDANTS. They also have compounds that slow down the assimilation of certain fats and accelerate intestinal transit.

10/20 - THE KIWI: A BOMB OF VITAMIN C. A single fruit can fill you up with this antioxidant vitamin that participates in energy production processes and boosts the metabolism.

11/20 - GRAPEFRUIT, TO LOWER THE BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL.According to an American study, grapefruit would be as effective as an anti-diabetes drug in lowering blood sugar levels.

12/20 - THE pineapple, THE PRO OF DIGESTION. Pineapple (fresh and raw) contains bromelain, an enzyme that facilitates the digestion of proteins.

13/20 - THE LEMON, ALLIES LIVER. The citric acid it contains promotes the transformation of lipids and proteins in the stomach. Consume in the morning, about twenty minutes before breakfast to activate the secretion of bile and thus prepare the liver to digest food during the day.

14/20 - VINEGAR, THE ANTI-STOCKPILING CHAMPION. Its acetic acid facilitates digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels and prevents the body from storing fat. TO BE CONSUMPTION As a seasoning in salads or starters.

15/20 - GINGER, FOR DETOX. It contains some 40 antioxidant compounds and regulates blood sugar levels.

16/20 - CINNAMON, AN ANTI-FINGER SPICE. It helps to reduce the blood sugar level and prevent it from turning into fat. It also limits the desire to snack. TO CONSUME Sprinkled instead of sugar, in plain yoghurts, cottage cheese, desserts (compotes) or cereals.

17/20 - CAYENNE PEPPER, A GREAT METABOLISM ACTIVATOR. It increases the internal temperature of the body, which boosts the metabolism. TO EAT Sprinkled on soups, dishes or sauces, but in moderation (it stings)!

18/20 - RAW COCOA, ANTI-FATIGUE. Cocoa beans are rich in anti-stress magnesium and stimulating theobromine, without the sugar found in chocolate.

19/20 - COFFEE, FOR BETTER FAT BURNING. Caffeine naturally activates fat burning. Consume up to 5 p.m., without exceeding three cups of coffee per day. Beyond that time, excess caffeine will increase anxiety, stress and irritability, factors that promote fat storage.

20/20 - GREEN TEA, DETOX AND ANTI-FAT. For its diuretic and slimming action. Theine increases the metabolism, thus the energy expenditure. And tannins reduce fat assimilation. To be consumed throughout the day, alternating green tea and still water, but not after 4 p.m. if the tea disturbs your sleep.


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